Boilers type Šukoplam bunker with power range 100-900 kW are ment primarily for combustion of bulk solid fuel (coal) which is manually or automatically loaded into the bunker and than from the bunker into the boiler through spacious middle boiler door.In the front section of the boiler combustion grate is at an angle to give better combustion effect. On the bunker itself a flap is installed to prevent the return of flame and flue gases into the bunker. After emptying the bunker content into the boiler, bunker remains open while middle boiler door gets closed for better boiler efficiency. On the side of the boiler revision door is installer which at the same time serves the purpose of entering and cleaning the back section of combustion grate.
Boiler is constructed as „three drafted“ with two water cooled chambers and flue pipes which means that products of combustion pass water area in three occasions maximizing the heat exchange.First heat exchange is in boiler firebox, mostly by methods of irradiation, through large surface area of boiler firebox, second heat exchange is in the water cooled chambers of the boiler mostly by methods of irradiation and convection, and the third heat exchange is in flue pipes before the flue gasses exit the boiler mostly by methods of conduction and convection. Boiler body is well insulated with mineral wool and boiler sheeting is protected with painting or powder coating processes.
Boiler is ment for production of hot water in operating mode 110/90ºC and 90/70ºC with maximum allowed work pressure of 3bar.
Regulation of air flow needed for combustion is done with draft regulator which moves the flap on the bottom boiler door and by doing so increases or decreases the amount of air needed for the combustion.
Protection of boiler from increased pressure is done by installing the safety valve on the appropriate place on the boiler, while protection of the boiler from increased temperatures is done by installing the safety heat exchanger which,if the need arises, cools down the boiler.